Wow. I love coming to your writing, and now interviewing, and walking away smarter. Thanks.

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I loved reading this. In addition to sharing a surname, we both had a Phoenix! I got my little hound mutt the day after I picked up my husband's ashes and I named her Phoenix, and she was my new life from ashes. She lived 14 years, and I'll never forget her last kiss and her putting her paw on my shoulder before we said goodbye.

Everyone has that one pet, and Phoenix was mine. I have a little black cat now named Raven that has joined the fur family. Like Phoenix, she was a baby when she entered my life. Something about raising them from babies..

Now, its 3 cats and and old Bloodhound. Life is good. Thanks for all you do. Those of us in the cheap seats sure do appreciate it.

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Dr. Fish is an awesome human being! I love how kind and accessible he was when I had some questions about a canine pathogen that was making the rounds.

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He most certainly is. Our profession is lucky to have him.

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